Editor-in chief:
David Bogue
Jared Smith
Assistant Editor:
Lisa Wolf
Advising Editor:
Jerry Brunoe
POETRY: We want poems that explore and aim to deepen our connections to the natural world.
Poetry must be original and previously unpublished.
NON-FICTION: We’re interested in reading personal essays and non-fiction pieces that relate to such topics as: wilderness, creativity, culture, North American legends, native culture, environment, health, natural living, gardening, and community. We’re also interested in interviews and book reviews.
Non-fiction work may be previously published as long as you give credit to where it first appeared.
Submission Info:
Poetry and Non-fiction guidelines: Please send no more than 6 pages, along with a brief bio,
in the body of your email or as a word or PDF attachment
We encourage simultaneous submissions.
Submission Deadlines:
April 22 (Earth Day) to June 21 (Summer Solstice).
November 2nd (Day of the Dead) until December 21st (Winter Solstice).
Send submissions to David Bogue:
Turtle Island Poetry Chapbook Award: Contributor's only may submit a chapbook
between 12 and 32 pages. There will be no contest in 2018.
By sending your submission, you assure Turtle Island Quarterly that your work is your own creation; that it has not been published, electronically or in print; that it has not been accepted for publication elsewhere.
Previously Published Non-fiction: By sending your submission, you assure Turtle Island Quarterly that your work is your own creation; that you’re willing to name and give credit to the publication that your work first appeared.
Also, by accepting your work, Turtle Island Quarterly acquires first publication rights, including the right to publish it online and maintain it there, as part of the issue in which it appears. All other rights revert to the writer after online publication of the poem or poems in Turtle Island Quarterly.